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D3q27 cumulant part




Model description files files for this model: Dynamics.c Dynamics.R

Zonal Settings

Name Comment
Velocity Inlet velocity
Pressure Inlet pressure
Turbulence Turbulence intensity
FluxInObj Weight of [Volume flux] in objective
DragInObj Weight of [Force exerted on body in X-direction] in objective
LiftInObj Weight of [Force exerted on body in Z-direction] in objective
LateralInObj Weight of [Force exerted on body in Y-direction] in objective

Global Settings

Name Derived Comment
nu Viscosity
nubuffer Viscosity in the buffer layer
GalileanCorrection Galilean correction term
ForceX Force force X
ForceY Force force Y
ForceZ Force force Z
Smag Smagorinsky coefficient for SGS modeling
Omega relaxation rate for 3rd order cumulants
ParticleVelocityLimit (local) particle velocity limit
Threshold Parameters threshold

Exported Quantities (VTK, etc)

Name Unit Comment
P Pa P
U m/s U
Solid 1 Solid
F N/m3 F

Exported Global Integrals (CSV, etc)

Name Unit Comment
Flux m3/s Volume flux
Drag N Force exerted on body in X-direction
Lift N Force exerted on body in Z-direction
Lateral N Force exerted on body in Y-direction
Objective 1 Objective function

Node Types

Group Types
ADDITIONALS NSymmetry, SSymmetry
BOUNDARY WVelocityTurbulent, NVelocity, SVelocity, NPressure, SPressure, EPressure, EVelocity, Wall, WPressure, WVelocity

Solved fields

Name Access pattern Comment
f000 stencil density F 0
f100 stencil density F 1
f200 stencil density F 2
f010 stencil density F 3
f110 stencil density F 4
f210 stencil density F 5
f020 stencil density F 6
f120 stencil density F 7
f220 stencil density F 8
f001 stencil density F 9
f101 stencil density F 10
f201 stencil density F 11
f011 stencil density F 12
f111 stencil density F 13
f211 stencil density F 14
f021 stencil density F 15
f121 stencil density F 16
f221 stencil density F 17
f002 stencil density F 18
f102 stencil density F 19
f202 stencil density F 20
f012 stencil density F 21
f112 stencil density F 22
f212 stencil density F 23
f022 stencil density F 24
f122 stencil density F 25
f222 stencil density F 26
fx stencil fx
fy stencil fy
fz stencil fz
sol stencil sol

Densities - default accessors

Name Field Pulling field from Comment
f000 f000 stencil density F 0
f100 f100 stencil density F 1
f200 f200 stencil density F 2
f010 f010 stencil density F 3
f110 f110 stencil density F 4
f210 f210 stencil density F 5
f020 f020 stencil density F 6
f120 f120 stencil density F 7
f220 f220 stencil density F 8
f001 f001 stencil density F 9
f101 f101 stencil density F 10
f201 f201 stencil density F 11
f011 f011 stencil density F 12
f111 f111 stencil density F 13
f211 f211 stencil density F 14
f021 f021 stencil density F 15
f121 f121 stencil density F 16
f221 f221 stencil density F 17
f002 f002 stencil density F 18
f102 f102 stencil density F 19
f202 f202 stencil density F 20
f012 f012 stencil density F 21
f112 f112 stencil density F 22
f212 f212 stencil density F 23
f022 f022 stencil density F 24
f122 f122 stencil density F 25
f222 f222 stencil density F 26
fx fx stencil fx
fy fy stencil fy
fz fz stencil fz
sol sol stencil sol

Action stages

Name Main procedure Preloaded densities Pushed fields
BaseIteration Run f000, f100, f200, f010, f110, f210, f020, f120, f220, f001, f101, f201, f011, f111, f211, f021, f121, f221, f002, f102, f202, f012, f112, f212, f022, f122, f222, fx, fy, fz, sol f000, f100, f200, f010, f110, f210, f020, f120, f220, f001, f101, f201, f011, f111, f211, f021, f121, f221, f002, f102, f202, f012, f112, f212, f022, f122, f222, fx, fy, fz, sol
CalcF CalcF f000, f100, f200, f010, f110, f210, f020, f120, f220, f001, f101, f201, f011, f111, f211, f021, f121, f221, f002, f102, f202, f012, f112, f212, f022, f122, f222, fx, fy, fz, sol fx, fy, fz, sol
BaseInit Init none f000, f100, f200, f010, f110, f210, f020, f120, f220, f001, f101, f201, f011, f111, f211, f021, f121, f221, f002, f102, f202, f012, f112, f212, f022, f122, f222, fx, fy, fz, sol


Name Stages
Iteration BaseIteration, CalcF
Init BaseInit, CalcF