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D2q9 csf noflow weno




Model description files files for this model: Dynamics.c Dynamics.R

Zonal Settings

Name Comment
VelocityX inlet/outlet/init velocity
VelocityY inlet/outlet/init velocity
Pressure inlet/outlet/init density
PhaseField Phase Field marker scalar
WettingAngle WettingAngle
WallAdhesionDecay WallAdhesionDecay
BrinkmanHeightInv BrinkmanHeightInv
PressureLossInObj Weight of [pressure loss] in objective
OutletFluxInObj Weight of [pressure loss] in objective
InletFluxInObj Weight of [pressure loss] in objective

Global Settings

Name Derived Comment
PF_Advection_Switch Parameter to turn on/off advection of phase field - usefull for initialisation
omega 1.0/(3*Viscosity + 0.5) one over relaxation time
omega2_ph one over relaxation time - second for phase field
omega_l 1.0/(3*Viscosity_l + 0.5) one over relaxation time, light phase
Viscosity viscosity
Viscosity_l viscosity
Mobility Mobility
GravitationX GravitationX
GravitationY GravitationY
IntWidth 1/(PF interface width)
GravitationX_l GravitationX_l
GravitationY_l GravitationY_l
SurfaceTensionDecay SurfaceTensionDecay
SurfaceTensionRate SurfaceTensionRate
nubuffer Viscosity in the buffer layer in cumulant collision model
WallSmoothingMagic Wall normal smoothing parameter, higher - more smoothed
Threshold Parameters threshold

Exported Quantities (VTK, etc)

Name Unit Comment
H_Z 1 H_Z
Rho kg/m3 Rho
U m/s U
Normal 1/m Normal
PhaseField 1 PhaseField
Curvature 1 Curvature
InterfaceForce 1 InterfaceForce
WallNormal 1 WallNormal

Exported Global Integrals (CSV, etc)

Name Unit Comment
PressureLoss 1mPa pressure loss
OutletFlux 1m2/s pressure loss
InletFlux 1m2/s pressure loss
Objective 1 Objective function

Node Types

Group Types
BOUNDARY NSymmetry, SSymmetry, EPressure, WPressure, EVelocity, WVelocity, NVelocity, SVelocity, Solid, Wall
OBJECTIVE Inlet, Outlet

Solved fields

Name Access pattern Comment
f[0] stencil f[0]
f[1] stencil f[1]
f[2] stencil f[2]
f[3] stencil f[3]
f[4] stencil f[4]
f[5] stencil f[5]
f[6] stencil f[6]
f[7] stencil f[7]
f[8] stencil f[8]
h[0] stencil h[0]
h[1] stencil h[1]
h[2] stencil h[2]
h[3] stencil h[3]
h[4] stencil h[4]
h[5] stencil h[5]
h[6] stencil h[6]
h[7] stencil h[7]
h[8] stencil h[8]
h_Z stencil h_Z
nw_x stencil nw_x
nw_y stencil nw_y
phi stencil phi

Densities - default accessors

Name Field Pulling field from Comment
f[0] f[0] stencil f[0]
f[1] f[1] stencil f[1]
f[2] f[2] stencil f[2]
f[3] f[3] stencil f[3]
f[4] f[4] stencil f[4]
f[5] f[5] stencil f[5]
f[6] f[6] stencil f[6]
f[7] f[7] stencil f[7]
f[8] f[8] stencil f[8]
h[0] h[0] stencil h[0]
h[1] h[1] stencil h[1]
h[2] h[2] stencil h[2]
h[3] h[3] stencil h[3]
h[4] h[4] stencil h[4]
h[5] h[5] stencil h[5]
h[6] h[6] stencil h[6]
h[7] h[7] stencil h[7]
h[8] h[8] stencil h[8]
h_Z h_Z stencil h_Z

Action stages

Name Main procedure Preloaded densities Pushed fields
BaseIteration Run f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6], f[7], f[8], h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4], h[5], h[6], h[7], h[8], h_Z f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6], f[7], f[8], h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4], h[5], h[6], h[7], h[8], h_Z, nw_x, nw_y
CalcPhi CalcPhi h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4], h[5], h[6], h[7], h[8] phi
BaseInit Init none f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6], f[7], f[8], h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4], h[5], h[6], h[7], h[8], h_Z
CalcWallNormall CalcNormal none nw_x, nw_y


Name Stages
Iteration BaseIteration, CalcPhi
Init BaseInit, CalcPhi, CalcWallNormall