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This model uses

  • d2q7 cumulant collision kernel for hydrodynamics
  • d2q7 cumulant or cascaded collision kernel for heat
  • Boussinesq approx to couple heat with hydrodynamics

It is a 2d version od d3q27q27_cm_cht


  • periodic
  • Dirichlet - Equilibrium scheme (1st order convergence)
  • Dirichlet - Anti Bounce Back (2nd order convergence)
  • Dirichlet - Interpolated Anti Bounce Back (2nd order convergence)
  • Neumann like bc - impose heat flux

  • WVelocity inlet

  • EPressure Outlet
  • Neumann Outlet
  • Convective Outlet


Model description files files for this model: Dynamics.c Dynamics.R

Zonal Settings

Name Comment
VelocityX inlet/outlet/init x-velocity component
VelocityY inlet/outlet/init y-velocity component
Pressure inlet/outlet/init pressure
InitTemperature Initial/Inflow temperature distribution
InitHeatFlux Initial/Inflow heat flux through boundary
conductivity thermal conductivity of fluid (W/(m·K))
material_density density of material [kg/m3]
cp specific heat capacity at constant pressure of fluid (J/(kg·K))
Sigma_GH Initial width of the Gaussian Hill
FDragInObj Weight of [Force exerted on body in X-direction] in objective
FLiftInObj Weight of [Force exerted on body in Y-direction] in objective
XHydroFLuxInObj Weight of [Momentum flux in X-direction] in objective
YHydroFLuxInObj Weight of [Momentum flux in Y-direction] in objective
XHydroFLux2InObj Weight of [Momentum flux (2nd logger) in X-direction] in objective
YHydroFLux2InObj Weight of [Momentum flux (2nd logger) in Y-direction] in objective
HeatFluxXInObj Weight of [Heat flux in X-direction] in objective
HeatFluxYInObj Weight of [Heat flux in Y-direction] in objective
HeatFluxX2InObj Weight of [Heat flux (2nd logger) in X-direction] in objective
HeatFluxY2InObj Weight of [Heat flux (2nd logger) in Y-direction] in objective
HeatSourceInObj Weight of [Total Heat flux from body] in objective

Global Settings

Name Derived Comment
GravitationX applied rho*GravitationX
GravitationY applied rho*GravitationY
nu kinematic viscosity
GalileanCorrection Galilean correction term
nu_buffer kinematic viscosity in the buffer layer
conductivity_buffer thermal conductivity in the buffer layer
Omegafor3rdCumulants relaxation rate for 3rd order cumulants
h_stability_enhancement magic stability enhancement
BoussinesqCoeff BoussinesqCoeff=rho_0*thermal_exp_coeff
CylinderCenterX X coord of cylinder with imposed heat flux
CylinderCenterY Y coord of cylinder with imposed heat flux
CylinderCenterX_GH X coord of Gaussian Hill
CylinderCenterY_GH Y coord of Gaussian Hill
Threshold Parameters threshold

Exported Quantities (VTK, etc)

Name Unit Comment
Rho kg/m3 Rho
U m/s U
m00_F 1 m00_F
material_density kg/m3 material_density
cp J/kg/K cp
conductivity W/m/K conductivity
RawU m/s RawU

Exported Global Integrals (CSV, etc)

Name Unit Comment
FDrag N Force exerted on body in X-direction
FLift N Force exerted on body in Y-direction
XHydroFLux kg/s Momentum flux in X-direction
YHydroFLux kg/s Momentum flux in Y-direction
XHydroFLux2 kg/s Momentum flux (2nd logger) in X-direction
YHydroFLux2 kg/s Momentum flux (2nd logger) in Y-direction
HeatFluxX W Heat flux in X-direction
HeatFluxY W Heat flux in Y-direction
HeatFluxX2 W Heat flux (2nd logger) in X-direction
HeatFluxY2 W Heat flux (2nd logger) in Y-direction
HeatSource W Total Heat flux from body
Objective 1 Objective function

Node Types

Group Types
ADDITIONALS DarcySolid, Smoothing
ADDITIONALS_HEAT HeaterDirichletTemperatureEQ, HeaterDirichletTemperatureABB, HeaterSource, HeaterNeumannHeatFluxCylinder, HeaterNeumannHeatFluxEast
BOUNDARY EConvective, ENeumann, EPressure, Solid, Wall, WVelocity
HO_BOUNDARY_HEAT HeaterDirichletTemperatureIABB, ThermalIBB
OBJECTIVEFLUX FluxMeasurmentZone1, FluxMeasurmentZone2
OBJECTIVEFORCE ForceMeasurmentZone

Solved fields

Name Access pattern Comment
f000 stencil flow LB density F 0
f100 stencil flow LB density F 1
f200 stencil flow LB density F 2
f010 stencil flow LB density F 3
f110 stencil flow LB density F 4
f210 stencil flow LB density F 5
f020 stencil flow LB density F 6
f120 stencil flow LB density F 7
f220 stencil flow LB density F 8
h000 stencil heat LB density H 1
h100 stencil heat LB density H 2
h200 stencil heat LB density H 3
h010 stencil heat LB density H 4
h110 stencil heat LB density H 5
h210 stencil heat LB density H 6
h020 stencil heat LB density H 7
h120 stencil heat LB density H 8
h220 stencil heat LB density H 9
U stencil U
hold000 stencil heat LB density H 0
hold100 stencil heat LB density H 1
hold200 stencil heat LB density H 2
hold010 stencil heat LB density H 3
hold110 stencil heat LB density H 4
hold210 stencil heat LB density H 5
hold020 stencil heat LB density H 6
hold120 stencil heat LB density H 7
hold220 stencil heat LB density H 8
fold000 stencil flow LB density F 0
fold100 stencil flow LB density F 1
fold200 stencil flow LB density F 2
fold010 stencil flow LB density F 3
fold110 stencil flow LB density F 4
fold210 stencil flow LB density F 5
fold020 stencil flow LB density F 6
fold120 stencil flow LB density F 7
fold220 stencil flow LB density F 8

Densities - default accessors

Name Field Pulling field from Comment
f000 f000 stencil flow LB density F 0
f100 f100 stencil flow LB density F 1
f200 f200 stencil flow LB density F 2
f010 f010 stencil flow LB density F 3
f110 f110 stencil flow LB density F 4
f210 f210 stencil flow LB density F 5
f020 f020 stencil flow LB density F 6
f120 f120 stencil flow LB density F 7
f220 f220 stencil flow LB density F 8
h000 h000 stencil heat LB density H 1
h100 h100 stencil heat LB density H 2
h200 h200 stencil heat LB density H 3
h010 h010 stencil heat LB density H 4
h110 h110 stencil heat LB density H 5
h210 h210 stencil heat LB density H 6
h020 h020 stencil heat LB density H 7
h120 h120 stencil heat LB density H 8
h220 h220 stencil heat LB density H 9
U U stencil U
hold000 hold000 stencil heat LB density H 0
hold100 hold100 stencil heat LB density H 1
hold200 hold200 stencil heat LB density H 2
hold010 hold010 stencil heat LB density H 3
hold110 hold110 stencil heat LB density H 4
hold210 hold210 stencil heat LB density H 5
hold020 hold020 stencil heat LB density H 6
hold120 hold120 stencil heat LB density H 7
hold220 hold220 stencil heat LB density H 8
fold000 fold000 stencil flow LB density F 0
fold100 fold100 stencil flow LB density F 1
fold200 fold200 stencil flow LB density F 2
fold010 fold010 stencil flow LB density F 3
fold110 fold110 stencil flow LB density F 4
fold210 fold210 stencil flow LB density F 5
fold020 fold020 stencil flow LB density F 6
fold120 fold120 stencil flow LB density F 7
fold220 fold220 stencil flow LB density F 8

Action stages

Name Main procedure Preloaded densities Pushed fields
BaseIteration Run f000, f100, f200, f010, f110, f210, f020, f120, f220, h000, h100, h200, h010, h110, h210, h020, h120, h220, U, hold000, hold100, hold200, hold010, hold110, hold210, hold020, hold120, hold220, fold000, fold100, fold200, fold010, fold110, fold210, fold020, fold120, fold220 f000, f100, f200, f010, f110, f210, f020, f120, f220, h000, h100, h200, h010, h110, h210, h020, h120, h220, U, hold000, hold100, hold200, hold010, hold110, hold210, hold020, hold120, hold220, fold000, fold100, fold200, fold010, fold110, fold210, fold020, fold120, fold220
BaseInit Init none f000, f100, f200, f010, f110, f210, f020, f120, f220, h000, h100, h200, h010, h110, h210, h020, h120, h220, U, hold000, hold100, hold200, hold010, hold110, hold210, hold020, hold120, hold220, fold000, fold100, fold200, fold010, fold110, fold210, fold020, fold120, fold220


Name Stages
Iteration BaseIteration
Init BaseInit